
The Power of Paint

This little dresser has been with me since I was born; it's been painted, and repainted, and repainted again over the last 25 years. When Nick and I acquired a new (bigger) dresser for our bedroom, we moved this one to our kitchen nook to store napkins, place mats, table clothes, towels, and other such kitchen-y things. At this point the dresser was just white with plain back knobs- nothing too exciting.
Don't mind my hubby... he's always reaching for another beer : )
It pretty much blended into the room and wasn't doing much except for providing storage. Then, one day last summer, I was painting something for my classroom using a bright turquoise and I had the brilliant idea to paint this little dresser too! (Have you heard about my current turquoise obsession?) Painting took all of 20 minutes and the transformation was amazing. 
I bought 6 yellow knobs from Anthropologie. (They seriously have the best knobs ever!)
I found these 2 drawer pulls online for $3.50 total. I used some extra craft paper and wrote "napkins" on one and "towels" on the other. What can I say? I love organization. (and now Nick can't feign ignorance about where things go anymore!)
So that's our little dresser makeover. I love how a little paint and some new knobs can totally update a piece of furniture!

Domestically Speaking

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