Hayden is 4 months old which is just crazy! I can't believe how fast he's growing up! Nick and I love that we get to see more and more of his little personality coming through each month. This sweet boy loves to cuddle with Mom and Dad and still loves to hang out in the front pack on Mommy or Daddy.
Hayden has traded some of his babbling for shrieks and screams which he finds quite amusing! He loves to "talk" to his stuffed animals and his reflection in the mirror.
This month (and a little of last month) was part of the 4 weeks where Little Mister didn't sleep at night. Fortunately, that ended and we are back to good sleeping habits (for now!). Hayden goes to bed around 6:30 and sleeps until 5:30 am. He now wakes up just once a night to eat.
Hayden demonstrated his rolling over skills this month and likes to roll from tummy to back during tummy time. He's only got about half a roll down in the other direction but he keeps working on it!
Mister loves to hold things in his hands. He usually falls asleep holding his blankie and likes to hold onto his rings in the car. He likes to put his pacifier in his own mouth but hasn't quite mastered taking his hand away from his mouth without removing his paci too!
This kid looooves to laugh - at mommy and daddy, his toys, peekaboo, the hair dryer, and his reflection. And sometimes at nothing at all- he just randomly starts giggling. Nick always asks him if he's thought of a funny joke when he does this.
Hayden is now 14 lbs 4 oz and 25.5 inches long. He is in the 30th percentile for weight and 60th for height. He is finally all the way out of his newborn clothes and wears a mix of 0-3 month and 3-6 month clothing.
This coming month brings some big changes with Mommy going back to work (soo sad!) and Hayden starting daycare. Even with our new schedule we are still so excited to see what month 5 has in store!