
A (Holi)day in the Life of Nick and Jessica

Good morning!  I hope everyone had a fabulous Thanksgiving. We certainly did, although it was definitely a busy one! I thought I'd share  with you the excitement that is our third married Thanksgiving together.
8:30am. We are up and out the door for a freezing cold run around our neighborhood (Okay, I know I'm a wimpy Californian, but there was most definitely frost on the ground!). We had another sighting of our three feathered friends, out for an early morning walk around the neighborhood.
9:10am. We finish our run at Starbucks, down the road from us, on the quest for some much needed caffeine to fuel our busy day. After this pit stop, we walk home with Louie.
10:15am. After showering and getting ready, we make the 20 minute drive over to my parents' home for a family breakfast of pumpkin coffee cake. Wouldn't you know, when we drive up, we spot 20 more turkeys in my parents' driveway! There's no mistaking- this is definitely Turkey Day! 
While we're at my parents', we also admire my mom's beautiful Thanksgiving decor and snap a few family pictures. 
{Kent ladies}
{The men in plaid}

Nick also spends time fixing my brother's phone. (He's the technology fix-it guy in our family). 
12:00pm. It's time for the Turkey Bowl; an annual football game and potluck with Nick's childhood family friends. Since, Nick and I went to Kindergarten together, I vaguely remember some of the people in this group from 20 years ago... More good food and conversation ensue. Also, the hosts of this event live in a house that backs up to the beautiful Open Space hills, so the scene from their backyard is always breathtaking. 
1:15pm. Nick and I make the drive back through the tunnel to Oakland. Nick plays some Wii Mario and hangs out with our babies.

I make mashed potatoes for 25 people.

(Note: Mashed potatoes for 25  fill two huge crock pots and must be made in 3 batches because nothing in my kitchen is big enough to hold that many potatoes at one time!)
3:00pm. We get ready again and head back through the tunnel to Nick's parents' house, for the start of their Thanksgiving meal. Susie, my mother-in-law, did a beautiful job with her Thanksgiving table setting. I love the fall leaves and the gorgeous fall-inspired bouquets. 

4:00pm. Nick's extended family arrives. We enjoy drinks and appetizers and catching up with all the relatives.  Nick also spends time downloading baby pictures from his mom's phone to her computer (like I said- technology man).
5:00pm. We say our goodbyes and carry our 2 huge crock pots back to the car. We drive the one mile over to my parents house for my family's Thanksgiving. As always, it a loud, cheerful, and delicious event.  There are two turkeys, two kinds of stuffing, three vegetables, homemade rolls, two kinds of cranberry sauce, probably 8 bottles of wine, and 6 unique desserts. (My mom's beautiful table scape leaves little room for all this food, so everything served from a side table.)

8:15pm. By this time we are suitably tired and stuffed. (Can you tell?? These are our tired-I'm-ready-to-go-home smiles...)
8:30pm. We finally get out the door, having said goodbye and hugged everyone. We begin our drive home. As it is a holiday, our drive back through the tunnel is traffic-y, turning the usual 20 minute drive into a 35 minute one. 
9:15pm. We throw our leftovers in the fridge and bundle up for a quick walk down to the Lake with Lucy. We walk past the newly erected Christmas tree lot, which gets me excited thinking about all the decorating in store for Christmas!
10:30pm. As we fall asleep on the couch, watching a documentary about White House photographers (I know, we're so cool), we decide to head to bed, putting an end to our third Thanksgiving together. 

No Black Friday sales for us today- It's D-day (Decorating Day) at the Reisfelts'!.

So, how did you spend your Turkey Day? Leave us a comment and let us know! 

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