
Family Dinner...

So on Saturday night, Nick and I decided to be brave a try something we hadn't ever done before... We had both our families over for dinner at the same time! Picture 10 adults, 1 baby, 2 pets, 4 bottles of wine and some beer (hey, we're Irish Catholic!), a crock pot full of chili, and one random vase shattering in the middle of dinner... Good times! Honestly, it was really fun! Post-wedding-planning days, our families haven't all gotten together very often. Its weird because they literally live about a mile from one another, and we both see our families a lot- just not together.

Anyway, it was a great time and we even snapped a couple of pictures of the families all smooshed around our dinning room table. (We're notorious for NOT remembering to take pictures of anything...)
Parents-in-law, Bob and Susie

Getting serious instructions on how best to serve dessert, from my father...
Mom and my brothers

My favorite time of the night? Turning around and catching my lovely husband holding our sweet niece, Hayley. (And looking totally like a natural!) Nick's always been a little wary of children and it makes me so happy to see him a little more comfortable with the baby each time we see her. 

Our first big family dinner was a success! Plus, thanks in part to my mom and mother-in-law, all the dishes were done before they even left- score! 

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