As I prepare for a crazy pumpkin/costume/treat-filled day in the Kindergarten trenches, I wanted to stop by and wish everyone a Happy Halloween! With Halloween falling on a Monday this year, we kept our celebrations low-key with a few festive events over this past weekend. Instead of heading out, tonight we plan to cozy up on the couch with our favorite- Hocus Pocus and a big bowl of tasty candy- perfect night!
On Saturday evening, we hosted an impromptu pumpkin carving party for the neighbors of our building. The event had a decent turn out and we had fun getting to know the neighbors and enjoying "ghoulish spirits" (as my hubby likes to say). And yes... I'm wearing a winter coat to carve my pumpkin- such a wimp... I'm not sure what I'll do if we ever move out of California!Nick and I jointly carved a pumpkin this year; which means I scooped out the pumpkin and drew our design, while Nick did the cutting. We decided to carve our initials instead of a typical face, for a little change of pace. I drew an R in between an N and J- nRj, not to confused with the NRA...
I hope everyone had a lovely Halloween weekend and stay safe tonight!