
Sugar, sugar

Food space is at a premium in our apartment, so we need to use every available kitchen area to store food. Of course, knowing me I prefer even food storage to be pretty.  We have this big space above our fridge. My mom suggested that this would be the perfect spot for flour/sugar storage. Naturally, I agreed with Mom (She does know best...)
 So, off to Target I went and picked up these three glass 1 gallon canisters for $7 each.
To accessorize my canisters (and keep Hubby from claiming that he never knows where anything is...) I decided to make labels. I used leftover craft paper and cut out the labels for each of the three canisters.
I used some double stick tape to adhere my labels to the canisters. 
I lined up the canisters at the front edge of my fridge, so that someone of my 5'1'' stature could still reach them easily.
And tada- wasted space becomes useful and stylish!

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