
Brother-in-law's got style

This is Mike. He's my brother-in-law.
And I have to say, the man has style.  When we moved into our first apartment, two and a half years ago, he bought us this adorable pink antler coat hook, as a house-warming present.
And that was before faux antlers and moose heads were so in!  (So forward thinking, that Michael).
In our old apartment they were actually inside the coat closet, but this time around, I decided they needed a little more face time, so they are in the foyer of our new apartment.
I love the hot pink, but Nick and I both thought a light blue or turquoise would suit us (and our color scheme) a little better. Luckily, I had some leftover high-gloss spray paint from my lamp project, so I gave the antlers a quick coat of paint and presto change-o we had a classy new set of antlers for our hallway.
I thought they needed a little something-something extra, I added a vintage frame around them, just for fun.
(PS: Please disregard the picture hook you can see in all these pictures- it was too late at night to break out the hammer to affix it to the wall the way it was meant to be...)
I like the light-hearted, we-don't-take-ourselves-too-seriously look they add to the entry hall.
Psst- Mike also got me a ZGallerie gift card for Christmas- I told you he's good!

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