
Office Update

So, in the last 12 hours, our office/guest room/tower room has really come together. Last night, we wrestled our brand new desk into our home and up our crazy stairs. I think we're starting to have a knack for moving unwieldy  furniture up narrow staircases...
My amazing father-in-law, Bob built us the desk that I was envisioning- a long plain table, reminiscent of a farmhouse table. Here are some work-in-progress shots of the great desk.
Tonight, Nick sanded it and we brought it home to it's new room. It fits perfectly in the space for which it was designed and is EXACTLY the look I wanted! I can't wait to show you pictures (which will sadly have to wait due to the fact that I'm writing this at 11pm and lighting isn't the greatest).
Anyway, our next step will be to stain and seal the finished product- but I'm just oh-so-excited that it's here and looks so amazing (thanks Bob)!!
**Also, in case you were wondering, I did make my Friday deadline to finish the dresser for the room, but again lighting is preventing me from taking good "after pictures." I'll post lots of pictures Monday morning!

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