
I'm in love... with my new desk

Well, as promised in this post, I'm back this Monday (albeit a little later than planned) to share our new Bob-built desk! We are so happy with the finished product. My father-in-law, Bob is a great builder and he took my desk from this:
To this:
And finally to this:
All in about a week and a half. 
Way to go, Bob!
We love the new desk with it's chunky rectangular legs:
and it's generous work surface:
It was built to fit this wall, measuring 68 inches long and just 30 inches high to rest right below our window sill. That way, we can enjoy this amazing view, while working away:
We love the farmhouse-inspired look:
Although it pained Bob not to fill in the side-seams (I wanted them left alone to give it a rustic-y feel), he followed my high-maintainencing requests and made the desk perfectly to order! How did he do it? Well, the table-top of the desk is actually two stair treads that Bob seamed together. They originally had rounded edges, but at my request, they were "trimmed" off to give the front a more angular look.
So, what do you think? Bob-the-builder did a great job, yet again! I can't wait to stain and seal this guy, likely in a dark reddish-brown, but we shall see. As always, we'll keep you updated!

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