
Meet Ofelia.

Ofelia is the newest IKEA purchase to grace our home.
On a quick evening trip to the Meca-of-cheap-home-decor, I spotted Ofelia as I rushed by the bedding section and I immediately thought of our blanket-less platform bed. Fingers-crossed, we are hopefully hosting our first guests in a couple of weekends, so bedding has been on the forefront of my mind. For only $20, this was a deal too good to pass up. So I took Ms. Ofelia home with me...
When folded up, this ruffly blanket somewhat resembles those teeny tiny shirts that stretch really big... that were popular in the 90s...that I may or may not have seen recently in a $5 tub at Walgreens (true story). 
Nonetheless, the blanket stretches out nicely and adds the perfect amount of femininity to our rustic-industrial pallet bed. 
And some close ups:
And one final shot of Ofelia, for the road....
Happy Weekend, All!


  1. Ofelia is lovely! Reminds me of vintage chenille.

  2. Thanks! She fits in nicely with the rest of the room!


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