
Kohl's... Who Knew?

The other night after work I was in the teensiest bit of a cranky mood, and felt the need to change up my routine a bit. So while Nick was busily fielding calls from his boss and juggling his grad school homework, I snuck out the door for a little retail therapy.
In search of some thrifty deals, I decided to go to Kohl's. I'll admit, I'm not a huge fan of the store and my past experiences have always included sifting through disorganized masses of clothing and other items. Recently, I've heard good things about them and decided to give good ole Kohl's another shot.
I was pleasantly surprised! They are carrying some really nice brands.
Elle Decor was apparently my brand of choice the other evening, as I picked up four items from this line.
First to catch my eye were these two bright pink pillows. They were 60% off their original price and the last two in stock. Although I had some misgivings as to what my hubby would think, I carried these two around the store with me for another forty minutes and then made up my mind to buy them. (If he truly hates them, I can alway return them, right?!) It might just be my recent pink + turquoise obsession....
Next I found this amazing little white ceramic urn; also by Elle.
Third, and finally I picked up a cute black ruffly dress to add to my work wardrobe (Elle, again!).
Everything was at least 50% off and my finds elevated my mood considerably.
However, some things are not meant to be. At home, the pink pillows weren't quite working with the rest of the room. They were a bit too dark and garish... You win some, you lose some. So back to Kohl's I went, to return them. Never fear, this trip yielded another fun find (this time from TJ Maxx.) I love this little white box, with its decorative detail on the front. It will be perfect for holding jewelry and odds and ends that keep piling on the dresser...
So it pays to go to these discount stores- they have some great treasures hiding in the midst of chaos. What about you? Anyone else have good luck at Kohl's? What's your go-to discount store?

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