
Mom's done it again...

I may have mentioned my mother's creativity once or twice on this blog. She's always coming up with cute, thrifty ideas. This particular one is another winner. She took a plain painted dresser and  turned it into this:
With the vertical turquoise and white stripes and the pretty little knobs, this dresser is a knock-out.
My mom  mod-podged a bold-patterned wrapping paper to the sides of the dresser.
For a little more fun, she cut out circles from the same paper and mod-podged them to the wooden knobs. What a great idea! Knobs are usually the first thing I replace, but this is a wonderful work-with-what-you-have example.
So cute!


  1. LOVE! What a creative lady, that Mama of yours! Now I know what to do with the boring dressers we have for our girls :) Any tips when it comes to mod-podging?

  2. I'll pass on your sweet words, Amanda! As for mod-podging, my tips are:
    1. Apply a thin layer and work quickly to lay down your paper.
    2. Give it a good long time to dry before you "seal" it with mod podge on the top. Otherwise, the paper can get really wrinkly and bubbly. If you do end up with wrinkles, they tend to flatten out as the mod podge dries.
    3. 2 or 3 thin top coats is usually good.
    I'd love for you to send me pictures of the finished project! :)


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