
Chocolate Hearts

Sometimes husbands have a bad day at work and they need to come home to heart-shaped chocolate cakes.
Sometimes wives need an excuse to bake and also to prove that their Martha Stewart Cake Stand can do more than just look pretty on a shelf
Trader Joe's Greatest and Easiest Chocolate Cake 
(as printed on the back of their cocoa powder)
3 1/3 c. flour
1 1/3 c. cocoa
3 c. sugar
1 Tbsp baking soda
1 tsp salt
3 sticks butter
3 cups buttermilk
1 tsp vanilla
5 eggs
  1. Beat everything together in an electric mixer, on high, for 3 minutes.
  2. Pour batter into greased/floured baking pans.
  3. Bake at 350F for 55 minutes. 

I don't like chocolate, so my bad-day remedy would be sour candy, a chick flick, and a late night trip to Target. What's your bad-day quick fix?? Leave a comment and let us know!

Linked to A Beach Cottage.


  1. Hi! My friend Bambi Rodriguez sent me a link to your blog as she thought I would enjoy your posts. I am LOVING your posts!!!! Cheers!!!

  2. Thank you so much!! I'm happy to have a new follower : ) We're both so lucky to share Bambi as a friend!


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