
Video Home Tour

Call us dorky, but Nick and I wanted to make a video tour of our first apartment before we packed it all up and moved. We really wanted something to remember our first place and also to share with (far-in-the-future) children. So Nick did a walking video tour of our apartment right before we started packing last weekend. Unfortunately, using our digital camera instead of an actual video camera resulted in a shaky tour, that would give you an acute case of motion sickness. (I'm definitely not knocking Hubby's abilities, I know I'd be 10x shakier than him! Plus with my shortness, you would never get to see the top half of our home!) Not wanting anyone to toss their cookies, we opted for a picture tour. This video is more for our memories, but I thought I'd share it with you guys. Please pardon our cheesiness and (slight) obsession with our first home.

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