
Breakfast... for 30

My school has a little tradition called PayDay Breakfast. Each pay day, teachers from a different grade level make and bring breakfast to share with the rest of the staff. February's PayDay Breakfast was courtesy of the Kindergarten teachers.
Knowing I had to make one dish that would feed many, I went with breakfast casserole, a quick recipe given to me by my Aunt Lisa. Luckily, this one can be put together the night before, chilled and cooked in the morning, making my frenetic throwing together of ingredients at 10 pm much more acceptable.
Without further ado here's the original recipe (I tripled it to serve more)

6 slices of french bread, cut into cubes
1 pound of chorizo sausage, browned and drained
2 cups of medium cheddar cheese, shredded
10 eggs, beaten
2 cups of milk
Salt and pepper to taste


Grease a 9x13 baking dish and layer the bottom with bread cubes. Crumble the sausage and layer on top of the bread cubes. Sprinkle with cheese. Combine the eggs, milk, salt and pepper and pour over the top of you casserole. You can be fancy and add tomatoes or chives, but that's the basic recipe.
Bake at 325 for 45 minutes, until the eggs set. Cut into little squares and serve. 
Note: If you are planning on tripling the recipe and making it for 30 people, plan on tripling your bake time as we11!
This recipe is really tasty; someone makes it at almost every family brunch. Plus with the eggs, cheese, bread, and sausage, it's quite filling! 
Any other quick breakfast recipes for this Tuesday morning?

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