

A while ago, I read how my friend Christian made a succulent terrarium using apothecary jars from her wedding. Although, I really liked her finished product, the idea slipped into the back of my mind until I was looking around Pottery Barn and saw that they had also used tons of glass terrariums in their new spring display. (However, unlike Christian's display, PB was using fake plants...)
After finding my $10 glass hurricane at Marshall's I picked up several succulents from Ace and got to work.
I filled the bottom of the hurricane with soil and then planted my succulent in the  base of the hurricane. Next I used some polished stones from my rock collection (ooor my dollar store vase filler) to ground the arrangement.
And that's all, kids. This little project was easy-peasy!
I  added two IKEA lanterns on either side of my new terrarium and used corks from all the wine Nick and I consumed in the last two days years, as a filler. 
I love this new centerpiece for three reasons:
a.  Like I mentioned it was super easy and cheap to make. (Two of my favorite adjectives...)
b. It's not going anywhere for a while; succulents are pretty hard to kill, even for a black thumb like me!
c. The hurricane is so tall that Mr. Henry can't possible reach inside to ruin yet another arrangement (unless he gets Lucy to help, but she's kind of a goody-goody so I think I'm safe.) 

Thanks to Christian for such a great idea! 

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