
A Room for Ms. Hayley

Remember back in December, when I mentioned that I was beginning to work on a room for my niece, Hayley in her grandparent's house? It's okay, if you don't.... it was a looong time ago! Here's a before shot to jog your memory:
Anyway, after a couple months of quick weekends projects, painting, and generally fitting in work time on the room whenever we had a chance, it's finally finished! It was definitely a collective effort, involving everyone in the Reisfelt family and my sister too. My sister-in-law, Emily, chose a green/brown monkey theme. We added some pink accents for pops of color. Plus, what little girl's room would be complete without a little pink?!
The room has a huge built-in bookcase lining one whole wall.
 We primed and painted the shelves, using a semi-gloss white from Ace. 
 Then I stapled fabric to the back of the shelves. Although staples weren't my first choice, we strategically stapled where there would be shelves covering, so that you wouldn't be able to see them at all. Also, since the fabric is pretty busy, it would be hard to pick out the little staples anyway.  We also had to piece the fabric together, since it wasn't long enough to cover the entire back of the shelf. Again, we thoughtfully put the seam where it would have the least visibility.

Emily bought a bunch of canvas bins for storing all of Hayley's clothes, toys, and blankets. We interspersed  these bins with decorations and gifts that Hayley has received.
The cupboards on the bottom of the shelf are great for hiding extra diapers, the humidifier, when it's not in use and other odds and ends.
The closet used to look like this: 
It was full of shelving and had two sliding doors. Bob took off the doors and took out the shelves to make room for the changing table. He added a recessed light over the table. He also added two closet rods so that Emily could hang up all Hayley's pretty clothes and easily reach them from the changing table. I made some pom-pom flowers and hung them from fishing line so that Ms. Hayley would have something pretty to look at while her diaper was being changed. 
Next up, the window seat. 
I added a pad to the seat, using foam and fabric (and spray adhesive). We picked out some cute pillows (the monkey one is from Babies R Us and the trellis one is from Target's garden section).
 We also installed a tension rod and I made another set of no-sew curtains in a heavy Avocado fabric. We attached the curtains using ring clips from Tarjay. 
The HAYLEY letters were a Michael's purchase. I bought plain wooden letters, painted the sides green, and mod podged them with different green scrap book papers.
Behind the crib, I had originally wanted to paint a mural, but sadly life (and moving!) got in the way. I'm hoping that I'll still have an opportunity to do so in the summer. Until then, this cute handmade quilt is adorning the wall above the crib. 
And there you have it, baby's room from start to finish, just in time for Ms. Hayley's 5 month birthday! 


  1. ohmygosh that looks FABULOUS :) i love the pink and green color and the name on the wall- what a wonderful room!

  2. Thank you!! I'm pretty happy with how it all finally came together!


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