
Forever and a Day Later...

About a month ago, I saw this DIY rose wreath idea, and decided it would be perfect for our front door. The project was definitely cheap and easy but took me forever to complete! I've been making roses for oh about 3 weeks now. I would work on them a little bit at a time, usually while watching a movie. During this little project, I suffered a bad glue gun burn, three trips to Michaels to get even more felt, and one very broken glue gun (maybe I should pay more than $5 for my next glue gun purchase)! Anyway, despite all the obstacles I finished, and I think the results are worth it.

Here's what you need (should you choose to undertake this project):
30 pieces of felt
1 grapevine wreath
Glue Gun
Here's what you do:
1. Fold each piece of felt into fourths. Use the CD and cut out a circle from the felt. The CD is larger than the felt, so you can trim the circle down a bit afterward.
2. Cut each circle into a spiral.
3. Start at the center of the spiral and roll the felt up tightly, keeping the bottom flat.
4.Hot glue the bottom of the flower and attach to the wreath.
5. Position the roses really close together to give the wreath a nice full look.
The total cost of the wreath was $12, and it's definitely a piece that can be used year round (perhaps with a nice bow on it at Christmas). It's pretty and girly, but certainly a time commitment... Any daring souls thinking about attempt this same project?!

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