
2 months

Hayden is two months old now and such a big boy! We are most definitely out of the newborn stage and into babyhood. He is smiling and laughing at Mommy and Daddy all the time. Hayden loves to kick his feet and especially splash in the bath. He continues to be a great sleeper and eater and a happy little boy. This month Hayden discovered his mobile and loves to watch it twirl around above his head. He's also taking more interest in books and toys than last month. Little Mister is a chatty one- he squeals, giggles, grunts, and coos all the time (even in his sleep). He's slept through the night several times and even when he doesn't, he's usually sleeping in 6  - 7 hour stretches at a time. At his two month check up, Hayden was 11 lb 12 oz and 22.5 inches long. He's in the 61st percentile for weight and 43rd for height- a healthy boy! My sweet boy is now in 0 - 3 month clothing, having retired all his newborn clothes with the exception of his pants (blame those short legs on Mom and Dad!). Month #2 was great and we're looking forward to the next month with our sweet little man. 

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