
Pretty Days

The beautiful weather the last few days has afforded us much time for outdoor activities. One activity on our list this past weekend was a picnic at a local park. Although we live in a fairly urban-ish area, we are lucky to have so many beautiful parks close by. Sunday evening we packed up Lucy, a blanket, and some homemade chicken salad for one last weekend hoorah!
We drove 2 miles from our apartment to Piedmont and smack-dab in the middle of a neighborhood, we found this gorgeous park. All around there was signs of Spring and heavily wooded paths where we experienced the beauty of nature.
Miss Lucy in a rare still moment during our adventure: 
Beautiful sunlit trees:
Springy flowers making an appearance:

I saw my first banana slug on the trail (and freaked out a little - although held it together long enough to snap a quick picture): 
My loves:
It was a perfect evening, topped off with an after picnic treat of ice cream! 


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