
hayden's first thanksgiving

We had a whirlwind 4 days of Thanksgiving-ness going on at this house and we enjoyed another first holiday with our little Bub. We started the holidays with baking and several trips to the grocery store during the day Wednesday. Luckily, I have a good little helper in the kitchen, who likes to watch and hold things for me. 
Thursday morning started bright and early with a Turkey Trot 5K with both sets of grandparents. Hayden completed his first 5K, crossing the finish line a mere second (aka stroller length) ahead of my Dad.

Thursday afternoon was my family's Thanksgiving at my parents house. Hayden got to sit in his high chair for the first time. (Although this only lasted approximately 5 minutes, as dinner unfortunately coincided with bed time.) 
On Friday, we spent the day with my family- eating leftovers, watching Christmas movies, and braving the black Friday sales (albeit at 5 pm).
 Saturday brought our second round of Thanksgiving dinner at Nick's parents'. Unfortunately by then, Little Mister was all Turkey-ed out and we had to cut the evening a little short.
And now we're back to normal for one more week, trying to get back on our previous nap/bedtime schedule before we disrupt it once again. The three of us are taking a mini vacation to Hawaii next week! Nick has business and Hayden and I are tagging along for fun. It's our last big hurrah before I go back to work...

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