

I believe I experienced my oddest pregnancy-related situation ever this week... I was at church and about to walk inside when this small frail elderly woman comes toward me with open hands, making a grabbing motion. I'm holding the church bulletin so for some reason I thought that's what she was trying to take from me. But no. She was trying to grab my belly. She gets up to where I'm standing and starts rubbing both hands all over my tummy. She leans super close to my face and says, "Boy in there?" I told her yes, it was a boy. She then proceeded to kiss me on the cheek and tell me, "You take care of that one." I said yes and then quickly made my way into the church.
For the most part, people have been pretty respectful of my personal space while pregnant; I've had a few relatives and friends touch my belly, but most people ask first. This is the first complete stranger that's come up to me and she definitely came in close!  

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