

Happy 4th of July! Yesterday we were 1 month from our due date- check out this giant baby belly! Nick and I have been busily crossing off items on our my baby to-do list the last few days and are feeling ready, ready, ready for our little man to get here! For some reason, list-making is a calming activity for me and I get a lot of satisfaction from physically crossing off to-do items. Currently, I have 6 lists related to baby: The Room To-Do List, The General To-Do List (i.e. install carseat, finish making baby book, etc.), The What to Buy List, The "Nick" List (for tasks that I can't do), The What to Bring to the Hospital for Labor List, and the What to Pack for the Hospital Stay List.  I know that Nick appreciates my thoroughness... Haha, more likely he's thinking, "Somebody come save me from my crazy list-making wife!" 
PS: Because I'm in constant amazement at how much my body has changed over the past 9 months, check out this post, where we announced our news and I happen to be wearing the exact same shirt as today...  

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