

 We have been so blessed to have so many people that care about us and little mister Teeny-Tiny. We had three baby showers thrown in his honor over the past couple months. The first shower was held at work and we were given tons of cute baby clothes. The second shower was on the 16th of June and was given by my mother-in-law and sister-in-law. Again we were given so many cute baby items and enjoyed delicious food and cake. Sadly I got no pictures of that event. 
Our third and final shower was held last Saturday and was hosted by my mom, sister, aunt, and a couple of my mom's best friends. It was less of shower and more of a party with the men included. Check out the pretty decorations that everyone put together: 
 We received so many adorable gifts from friends and family and plenty of useful items that we still needed from our registry.
 All three events were so much fun and all the gifts definitely helped us feel more prepared for little man's impending arrival! Thanks so much to everyone who organized these lovely events.
Thanks to Paul, Cathy, and Emily for all the pictures since I obviously took none of my own!  

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