

 30 feels like a big pregnancy milestone. Only 10 weeks to go! Yikes! As ready as I am to meet our baby boy, I feel nervous about all the stuff I want to do before he's born. There are still more books to read/finish. We have the room to finish, and a crib to purchase. What if we wait to order it and then it's backordered?  I'm still figuring out everything with work and my maternity leave for next school year. We are still debating between two names. Our childbirth classes don't start for another week. We have our birth plan to figure out and turn in before our next appointment. It seems like a lot to cram into 2 and a half months! We are working on taking it day-by-day and having faith.  I know a lot of what I'm stressing about now isn't really a big deal. When he comes, I know more than anything that we will be ready to be his parents and care for him and love him even if all the details aren't in place. 

1 comment:

  1.  learn from our mistakes and have your bags packed well in advance! Henryk arrived the day before we planned to properly pack. So excited for you guys.


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