
Easy Cheesy Lasagna

No camera = no ceiling pictures... So sorry! Instead, I'll share one of my favorite recipes. mmmkay?
One of my favorite meals growing up was lasagna. We didn't have it too often since it can be a labor-intensive process, so it was always a treat to eat.  In college, I perfected my own recipe for lasagna drawing the best from various other recipes. I have to forewarn that this is probably not a healthy recipe, since it contains quite a bit of cheese... But it's oh-so-tasty!

Here's the ingredients list:
Ricotta Cheese*
Parmesan Cheese
Mozzarella Cheese*
Cream Cheese*
1 Egg
Marinara Sauce
Lasagna Noodles

*You can buy part-skim or low-fat versions of these cheeses and it will taste just fine! 

Here's what you do:
Preheat oven at 350
Chop the 1/2 cup of parsley and 1 cup of spinach.
Mix together half a container of ricotta, 1 cup of shredded mozzarella, 1/2 cup of parmesan, 1/2 a block of cream cheese, and the egg. Add the spinach and parsley mixture.
Now it's time to assemble the layers. I buy no-boil noodles to make the process even easier. I use a small-sized rectangular pyrex dish to cook my lasagna. 
First, put a thin layer of marinara, followed by a layer of noodles. Next, scoop on a layer of cheese mixture. Follow with another thin layer of sauce, and repeat until you've used all your sauce and cheese mixture. I usually try to end at the top with a layer of sauce. Last, I sprinkle mozzarella and parmesan on top and it's ready to cook! Cook for 35 - 45 minutes. 
Typically, I would show you a picture of the finished product, however I personally feel that cooked lasagna doesn't always photograph well, and can look a little eh, unappetizing... so no pics of that!

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