
5 on Friday

Here are 5 random things that have been happening this week around here:
One: We are having baseboards installed! I can't tell you how exciting it is to be able to just hire someone to do this, instead of doing it ourselves. As much as we love a good DIY, we wanted to spend a little extra money to save ourselves some time (and sanity!). Also, it's amazing how much faster a skilled professional can work. The guys started yesterday morning and everything should be painted and complete this afternoon. #yayfornon80sbaseboards
Two: Oh my gosh! We've been without a working washing machine for 3 weeks!  After 4 service appointments, we finally are back in business and I've never been so thrilled to do laundry. We are grateful to be able to use our cloth diapers again and not to have to spend $20 + each time we head to the laundromat! 
Three: Yesterday Hayden and I were playing in his sandbox (a birthday gift from his Daddy and me) and we were filling up his dump truck with sand and then dumping it out and I said, "Say bye bye sand!" And he did! He says some words but this is the first time he repeated a word right after I said it. So we did this about 10 more times and every time he told the sand "bye bye." Oh, my heart! 

Four: Now that we have new flooring, we need a couple of area rugs to warm up the space. I've purchased most of the rugs already but I can't quite decide on one for our entryway. I think that I'll probably wait until we paint and finish some other projects so that I can better decide the color . Anyway, I LOVE this site and have found about 50 rugs that I would be happy to have in  my home. Decisions, decisions. 
 Five: Vacation! This weekend we're heading up to Truckee/Tahoe and will be on vacation with various parts of our families for the next two weeks. Looking forward to relaxing, going to the beach with H, and hanging out with our families!  (PS: What a difference a year makes!)

1 comment:

  1. I love the flooring! And the glossy white baseboards! Have a great vacation with your men!


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