
Baby Boy

Hayden Nicholas Reisfelt
Born August 3, 2012
7 lbs 7 oz, 20 inches
Absolutely perfect.


  1. yay!! i'm so excited for you guys!!! :)  and right around your due date too :) perfect.  he's adorable!!!!!

  2. He's beautiful! xoxo

  3. Congrats on your handsome little man! Our lives are still weirdly the same because our son, Elden, was born today (his due date) as well! Hope your recovery is stunning :)

  4. congratulations on your new, adorable addition! I hope the recovery is quick and you cherish every moment with your sweet new baby boy.

  5. Congratulations Jessica and Nick!  He is adorable and I love his name.  He was the exact same length and weight of my daughter.  She is now almost 5.5 years old.  Time flies!  Enjoy every precious second with your handsome son!

  6. How funny! Congratulations to you as well! I hope you are adjusting well and loving life with your new little one! 


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