
shots, teeth, and whales

It's been awhile since I talked about my sweet little class of boys, but I have a few more amusing stories to share with you today...

One student came in this morning and immediately rolled up his sleeve to show me a bandaid on upper arm. The other kids wanted to know what happened to him and he said, "I got it because I had to take shots."

Another student complained that his nose was hurting. When I asked him if he needed to blow it, his friend kindly said, "Let me see!" He bent down and looked at the other student's nose and said, "I know why it hurts, I see teeth in there...."

Lastly, we've been learning all about the ocean and our speech therapist taught us the song "Slippery Fish" a couple weeks ago. If you aren't familiar, you can take a little listen here:

Anyway, the last lyric describes a whale as "humongous," which has turned into my student's favorite word. Unfortunately one of my students didn't quite catch the word whale after humongous and now every time he sees a picture of a whale, he just calls it "a humongous". As in, "Look Reisfelt, I see a humongous!"

Don't my stories make you want to be a special ed Kindergarten teacher too?!

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