
do you pinterest?

Raise your hand if you've heard of Pinterest? Since I can't see you, let's just assume you're not raising your hand and you want to read a post all about it.
Pinterest is a "virtual pin board" where you can keep track of multiple pictures/ideas that you like from the internet. The greatest thing is that you can pin anything! Of course, most of the pictures I pin are home decor related but there are people out there pinning anything and everything. Once you are part of Pinterest, you can add a "Pin It" app to your bookmark bar which allows you to pin any picture on any website. It's super duper easy, and credits the pin automatically, so you remember where the picture came from.
Another awesome thing about Pinterest is that you can have multiple pin boards so that you keep pictures categorized neatly. I have several boards already; one to keep all my "Dream House" inspiration, another for clothes I love, and one for anything pink that I find and heart. Pre-pinterest, I would just save a picture I liked to an iphoto folder titled "things I like." (pretty lame...) Obviously, this system takes organization to a whole new level.
You can also follow other people who have fabulous taste via Pinterest, thus getting even more great ideas! As you can see, I'm an enthusiastic Pinterest user and I totally think you should become one too! And then you should probably follow me, so we can be Pinterest BFFs! : )

1 comment:

  1. Hey! I just started doing Pinterest. Can you move your iPhoto pictures to the Pinterest website?


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