
baby names

So... after revealing that Teeny-Tiny is a boy, we decided we just can't wait to share our favorite names with you guys. Originally, we had decided that we wanted to keep things a secret till after Baby R was born... but we're just too excited not to share. We wanted to name our baby something really unique. Since we both have fairly common names, we wanted to make sure our baby boy was a one and only.  We thought we'd share our top 5 names and let you guys help us decide by choosing your favorite. 
  1. Grosvenor
  2. Grover
  3. Weddington  
  4. Tobias  
  5. Alick 
What do you think? We really want to know, so please leave a comment and give us your feed back.  Oh, and one more thing...


You're probably relieved that none of those names are actually on our list....we are definitely keeping Baby R's name under wraps : ) 


  1. My dad's best friend is named Grover... great man, great name...

  2. Oh my god Jessica I gasped out loud in horror for a second there xD

  3. the cape on the cornerApril 11, 2012 at 7:13 AM

    seriously this cracked me up.  weddington. 


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