

 Teeny-Tiny is quite a little mover and shaker. I've been feeling those fluttery kicks for awhile now. Every time we've had an ultrasound or an appointment where they listen to Baby's heartbeat, they always tell us that he's moving around like crazy. Two weeks ago, Nick felt him kick for the first time. I was laying in bed waiting for him to finish brushing his teeth and I yelled for him to come quick. Nick ran into the room and sat at the edge of the bed with his hand resting on my tummy for about 15 minutes, while we felt the little guy kick and wiggle and move, move, move. It was such an amazing experience. Pretty much every night at 10:30 since then, Nick and I have been able to feel him do his little thing inside my belly. I feel him moving all the time now; basically anytime I sit still for more than a couple minutes. In the early mornings when I can't sleep, I come lay on the couch to read and I turn on my "peaceful music" station on Pandora, and Tiny Dancer gets his groove on. Feeling all these movements and kicks is most certainly my favorite part of pregnancy so far. It's even better now that I can share it with Daddy-to-be too! 

1 comment:

  1. Feeling him move has been my favorite part of pregnancy too:)


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