
more cheap art

If you're anything like me, you tend to visit Target at least once a week (if not more...) and always go in for one thing and end up finding 10 other things that you just can't seem to leave without. On one of my Target trips this week I noticed some pretty wrapping paper on an end cap and picked it up for $3.99.  My brother, who was with me at the time correctly predicted the wrapping paper would make a blog appearance soon, and right he was!
Anyway, the paper I picked out was a pale blue Moroccan tile print, simple and pretty. I decided to frame a piece of the paper for our bedroom. Here's a little looksy at our new bedroom "art":
I love the pale blue + white frame + dark wood combination. It's also fun to see the reflection of our bedroom chandelier in the frame.
Well my wrapping paper-turned-art obsession didn't stop there! Desperately needing to remedy the art situation in our kitchen nook, I decided to take another fun print (also from Tarjay) and frame it.
The bright green and white fits in well with our summer bar and playful curtains. Even if it's only temporary, I am enjoying this happy, thrifty art!
Since I had both frames already (have I mentioned that I have about 100 picture frames?!), this little project cost $8, and I have tons of left over paper for wrapping cute presents!
Someday, hopefully we'll have the money to purchase real art, but until then we're all about the quick fixes and using cheap items as art!


  1. the cape on the cornerJuly 20, 2011 at 9:15 AM

    love that!  i have to remember this...i've used scrap book paper in the past.  i just bought some "fat quarters" to frame, too.  at least, i think so.  we'll see.

  2. Love it! So pretty - and yes, that chandelier glittering in the reflection looks awesome!


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