

It never fails to happen... when Nick or I go to light a candle we inevitably spend time looking for the matches. Since they are in the typical big red box, we don't like to leave them in plain sight and usually shove them in whatever drawer is closet to the candle we just lit.
Yesterday I decided to do something about our matchbox misplacement. After I spent 10 minutes searching all the drawers in our apartment for the darn things, I started on this little project.
Remember the pretty candle-in-a-tin that I bought from Pier One?
Well the candle lasted all of one week, but we kept the tin out because it was so pretty. I decided the tin would be the perfect place to store our matches.
The first thing I did was put the candle in the freezer. This loosened the wax from the side of the tin and made the remains of the candle slide easily into the trash can, leaving me with an empty tin.
Next, I filled the tin with the matches from the original matchbox (rocket science, I know!)
I cut a piece out of the strikey-side of the matchbox (my technical term) and used some gorilla glue to affix it to the lid of the tin. Tricky, tricky...
Now we have a pretty match container that doesn't need to be hid in a drawer.
And that's how I solved our matchbox dilemma in 5 minutes flat (plus freezing time).

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