
Kindergarten Class of 2011

Today my little men are graduating Kindergarten! This school year has flown by and I can't believe how mature they've become in the last 10 months. There's a school of thought that suggests we over-graduate kids (pre-K, K, 5th, 8th, high school....) but after all the hard work and the amazing growth my kids have made in this first year of "real" school, I think they deserve a little kudos.
Luckily for me, my class will be expanding to a K-1, so I get to see my students again in first grade.
So as I put on my tall shoes for the day (so as not to be mistaken for a graduate, haha), I know my sweet students will show up in their fancy ties and sing their little hearts out when it's time to preform our graduLation songs. It feels great to end another wonderful year of teaching.

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