
our fall mantle

I've been slowly decorating for fall this year. I usually love going all out, but with a handsy toddler, I have to be a little more thoughtful about where I throw my Fall. Our mantle is definitely out of reach for Hayden, so it's a logical place for me to start our fall decorations. This year, I went for a gold + white theme. I ended up never taking down the mirrors that I hung last Christmas, because I really liked the arrangement. So, I wanted a Fall display that was simple with the backdrop of all the mirrors.  
Most everything is shopped from around my house. I did get a few new things, the fall leaves from Crate and Barrel.
...and the gold planter from Anthro.
I'm hoping to add some real little white pumpkins when they start showing up here in the Bay Area. For now, I like the collection of random ceramic objects in the middle. 
I'm currently looking for more (high up) places to add touches of the season around my house. Fall is my most favorite, after all. 

{Linking to Thrifty Decor Chick.}


  1. Wow! I love your style. Those mirrors look great. I can tell that I will really enjoy your blog (new follower). Found you through Thrifty Decor Chick. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Thanks so much Leslie- you're so sweet! So glad you're a new follower, hope you enjoy the blog!

  3. Very pretty! I love the rustic elegance! Here from TDC


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