
10 months

It's hard to believe that we are only about 6 weeks away from celebrating Hayden's first birthday. This year has gone faster than any other year of my life. This month, Hayden has been a busy boy. He is officially crawling (frontwards) and climbing everything in sight. He can walk using a push toy or cruise around furniture. He loves to move and is getting speedy! Hayden also has 2 teeth now (both on the bottom). He is still teething like crazy so we have a feeling there may be more popping up soon! Hayden loves to play catch with Lucy or Mommy and Daddy. He loves to be in the kitchen with me while I'm cooking, trying to open drawers and cabinets. (Luckily, we child-proofed everything last month!) He chats all the time to himself and to us. The funniest thing to watch is that he figured out how to whisper this month and when he's crawling toward something or trying to stand, he whispers to himself, like giving himself a little pep talk. Hayden is eating everything we give him, but is definitely partial to yogurt, veggie burgers, dried mangos, and bread of any type. He is still nursing too, but has cut way back on that. His sleep is mostly good, but he has been a little iffy this month. We suspect a combination of  his new found love of standing is his crib singing and his poor little gums have played a role in his recent sleep habits. He is still the happiest little guy and always has a big smile for Mama and Dada!

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