
chili cook-off

Every fall, my family hosts an informal Chili Cook-off. The main contenders are usually my dad and me, often making slightly different versions of the my grandmother's special chili recipe. However this year, we had three chili's in competition. I decided to try a new recipe, one found on this website, via Pinterest. (Can you tell that Pinterest has been a lifesaver for me this week?!) This chili recipe called for several different chilies, molasses, cocoa powder, and beer among other ingredients, which created complex flavors and a hint of spiciness.  This recipe certainly wasn't quick, but the results were certainly worth the effort. 
Our chili cook-off took place on Sunday, the day before Halloween so a few of us came in costume- 
everyone else was just there for the food! 
Best of all, there were left overs to take home- look how thrilled Nick is about them!

1 comment:

  1. The cookoff looks like so much fun! Plus the chili looks amazing and I now have a craving! yum!


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