
spooky candles

With October beginning this weekend, Nick and I decided that it was time for some Halloween decorating.   We planned to go with a spooky look this year. (Nick called it spooky glam- but I'm not sure how glamourous it all is.) This week I'll share some of the different spaces in our home that have been "spookified."
One quick project we did this weekend was update our dining room table with some "bloody" Dexter-esque candles.  To make these candles, we used white candles in our home and purchased a red taper. I simply melted the red candle and dripped wax down the sides of white candles, to give them a drippy blood-like appearance. 
We added all the  bloody candles to a large tray on our table, along with plain white candles from around our house and pumpkin spice candles. 
Spooky, spooky!

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