We thought we spotted a vintage picture of San Francisco, but no... it was actually a card table with the legs folded up. It had a $12 price tag and Nick decided it would be perfect for our house. So, he sweet-talked an employee into letting him buy it after hours. (On a side note, another employee noticed this transaction and thought that the table was underpriced. His under-his-breath muttering let us know that he thought we had gotten a good deal).
After our purchase, we still had at least a mile and a half of our walk to go, and Nick awkwardly scooped up the table under his arm and we went on our way. So picture Nick and I taking our dog.... and our table for a walk. Naturally, the table got progressively heavier, so at the midpoint of our walk we ended up carrying the table between us, parallel to the ground. I regret not having a picture of this silliness, but I'm sure you can imagine how strange we looked carrying our table up and down the Oakland hills. We joked that we might as well put Lucy on the table and carry her around Cleopatra-style.
We made it home and then couldn't decide where we wanted to hang our card-table-art, until this weekend. After installing our new shelves, we moved some other things around and decided to finally hang our "art".
Someone did not oblige with my request to get the heck out of my picture.
You can see from the following before/after angle that hanging a smaller piece of art, removing the radiator cover, and relocating the leather chair makes things look and feel more open:
You can see from the following before/after angle that hanging a smaller piece of art, removing the radiator cover, and relocating the leather chair makes things look and feel more open:
Has anyone else scored some awkward/cheap/non-art art recently? We're fans!
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