
7 months

 This little cutie is 7 months (well 7 and a half now that I'm finally posting this picture!). This month has been the most fun with little Hayden. He is sitting up, rolling over, chatting, giggling, and eating.  Like I mentioned in this post, he is an adventurous eater and has really enjoyed joining in our meal times. This kid loves to move around; he always rolling and scooting all over the place. He doesn't stay still for long and we find him across the room from where we put him down. Hayden's finally become a good sleeper (again!). Who knows how long it will last, but he sleeps through the night most nights (around 11- 12 hours) or wakes up just once. He's developing quite the little personality and is so much fun to hang out with! We love you, Little Bubby!


  1. I can't believe those ankles!!

  2. We missed a 6 month post! :)

  3. Gonna need a new picture frame soon!

  4. Seriously! He kept trying to roll right out of it this last time!

  5. oh no- here it is: http://www.reisfelt.com/2013/02/6-months.html


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